Automation of communications, present and future of your direct sales

We're not talking about getting a new customer, or maybe yes. We are also not talking about the volume of reservations that the last-minute occupation solves, of course not; But we are talking about the safety cushion that stabilizes a quality income and that grows slowly but surely, that percentage of direct sales that so connected is with profitability. We are talking about loyalty and referencing opportunities, but not as a vaporous concept, difficult to measure, but as a strategy that is deployed in real, effective and measurable actions that add to other direct marketing actions such as investment in organic positioning, advertising (SEM in: generic search engines, meta search engines, OTA's), comparative information widgets on the web that prove the "best price guaranteed", a good engine for reservations, etc. , and all with the only approach of direct selling or what is the same, looking for the profitability of the business.

The possibility of programming very segmented communications (by reservation channel, market, expense or sociodemographic profile), with information and proposals of value for the traveler, provide the hotel with a level of quality conversation with the customer like never before.

So, would the hotel be able to talk (have bi-directional communication), in a personalized way, with ALL its clients before, during or after your stay? Yes, indeed, the hotel can and should reach ALL customers with their messages and receive structured responses. We are aware of the range of tactics of the different OTA's (they do not provide the client's email, they provide a temporary bridge mail, etc.), but there are various alternatives, moments, forms and channels (email, sms, facebook messaging) which can be used to hold conversations with ALL customers.

It is a question of determination and some technological help. Use our templates to be inspired, to personalize and to propose automatic communications to your client, with the intensity that you decide:

From here, be creative and focus your effort on the message to your customer by selling, while giving useful information; selling is an art. Don’t you have time to schedule the conversations with your client? Leave us the configuration part, we know how to do our work, that is our value, we are not only technology.

Leave us the configuration part, we know how to do our job!

New integrations with our Partners

Greensoft Module MESSAGING center. Thanks to this integration the clients of this PMS program communications, automatically, linked to the trip. See more

Salesforce Module FEEDBACK engine. We launch integration with which customers of this software can have the answers of their customers in their dashboard.

We’re not talking about getting a new customer, or maybe yes. We are also not talking about the volume of reservations that the last-minute occupation solves, of course not; But we are talking about the safety cushion that stabilizes a quality income and that grows slowly but surely, that percentage of direct sales that so connected is with profitability.


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