How to receive direct bookings with WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger

How to receive direct bookings with

WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger

  1. The URL you have to use

  3. Edit your phone number
  4. replace in the URL
    with the phone number where you want the WhatsApp to arrive.
    Example: 34123456789

  5. Edit your message
  6. replace in the URL "[initialtextmessage]
    with the text that you want to appear by default in the message that will arrive.

    The URL is as follows:

    Keep in mind:
    to introduce spaces in the text of the URL, you must put "%20", as you can see in the example.

  7. Copy the URL and link it to your WhatsApp button of your communication.

  8. Ask us for more infromation through WhatsApp:

  1. The URL you have to use

  3. Replace XYZ with your username
  4. In case you link your Facebook: if you do not have username you can use your Facebook numeric ID instead. Create a personalized one using this link.

    In case you link your Facebook page: your username is the one that appears when you enter your page, under your profile picture, after the "@" symbol. For example, in our case, HOTELSquality.

    URL example:

  5. Copy the URL with your username replaced and link it to your Facebook Messenger button of your communication.

  6. Ask us for more information through Facebook Messenger:

Easy, right?

Contact us and we will help you to set up your next communication

+34 917 21 84 96


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