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IN-STAY communication as part of the service

Communication, a friendly direct sale They say that the new competitor on the hotel market scene, private apartments, differentiate in more than just the product and price: they also differentiate in customer service. And why do they differentiate in customer service? Because they’ve dusted off the meaning of the word “host.” Maybe it’s the quirks of the business (the owner is very close to the business’ operation), maybe it’s the. . .


IN-STAY communication as part of the service

Communication, a friendly direct sale They say that the new competitor on the hotel market scene, private apartments, differentiate in more than just the product and price: they also differentiate in customer service. And why do they differentiate in customer service? Because they’ve dusted off the meaning of the word “host.” Maybe it’s the quirks of the business (the owner is very close to the business’ operation), maybe it’s the. . .


HOTELS quality in Phocuswright Conference: The Travel Innovation Summit

Yesterday kicked off in Los Angeles a new annual conference Phocuswright where the most disruptive innovations occur in the travel industry. Once again, the event begins with the competition of innovative projects submitted by three types of companies: startups with less than 18 months since its inception; emerging, in the initial stages of growth since the beginning of activity and provide a product innovation and service. Of the 35 projects. . .


From Guest Intelligence to action

Today hotels manage data, aggregated and disaggregated, conversations with customers like never before: reviews (privately or published) reports weekly activities, monthly (based on those views) with frequency analysis, mean, indices net promoter or weighted compared with objectives or competitors …, to name just a few examples. But really now, how do hotels make that big data into action ? How does one test / Innovate  or even experience based on. . .

Marketing Hotelero: Pre-stay, momento clave

PRE-STAY, the key moment of hotel marketing

  Digital communication with the client, from the time of booking, generates a level of service experience, which before using with traditional communication tools, was it practically was impossible. PRE-STAY communication temporarily widens the hotel service contact,opening up opportunities, to prepare the on-site service, conform to expectations, generate new sales opportunities and create greater linkages that will eventually be reflected in the hotel’s reputation; however, this is a period of the hotel-client relationship yet. . .


HOTELS quality Index 1T 2015 – Global

HOTELS quality Index 1T 2015 – Global   Assessment method   Quality analysis Hotels Index has completed five years. Observed an evolution of the indicator -from twenty quarters after 2010, until early 2015 of a progressive improvement until stable in recent quarters. It is able to say, as in the case of Spain index for the field, which in turn increases its significance and representativeness. Especially the effect of increasing. . .


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