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(Niggling) doubts about GDPR in Hotel operations

After the fateful May 25, and with some more perspective, we observe disparity of strategies and tactics that hotels are using to comply with the new data protection regulation. We will highlight some aspects that we are finding, and that we believe positive to discuss approaches in an open and constructive way. We use the question / answer format that we believe facilitates understanding and analysis.   Is it ALWAYS necessary. . .


How to program and automate your direct digital marketing

For an independent hotel or a small chain, there are no chances to compete in the battle for customer acquisition with the OTA’s or “Metas”; they have the captive search traffic (by positioning SEO and SEM), in any platform that you look at, so your acquisition strategy has to work with  those traffic sources. But there is life beyond search marketing. Direct digital marketing (DDM), that eternal sidekick, is not. . .


Setting up your direct feedback

Recommendations based on the experience of our clients In this note we suggest you to review your direct feedback settings to take full advantage of this powerful marketing tool, which goes beyond service control or being a mere proponent of online reputation. We should not confuse management of “direct feedback” (proactive management of opinions) with the “online reputation” management (reactive management of opinions). It is true that the latter, derived from the. . .


Automation of communications, present and future of your direct sales

We’re not talking about getting a new customer, or maybe yes. We are also not talking about the volume of reservations that the last-minute occupation solves, of course not; But we are talking about the safety cushion that stabilizes a quality income and that grows slowly but surely, that percentage of direct sales that so connected is with profitability.


More than 20% of direct bookings derive from their customers’ recommendations

It looks like direct sales are back with a vengeance in hotels’ marketing strategies and the search for a connection with the customer is turning into one of the pillars of that strategy, not just because of the opinion leader effect that they may have anonymously but also because of the ability they have to directly attract new customers whenever they mention the hotel in their closest sphere of influence.. . .


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