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5 questions about Online Reputation

5 questions about Online Reputation   How do I measure my reputation? Reputation is an elusive concept (calm down, we are not going to theorize about it), but in the case of the websites dedicated to travel, has two distinct components that influence consumer behavior: The opinions and assessments of each individual customer, that derive from their perception of different service attributes. Aggregate data, such as Tripadvisor ranking or average score. . .


HOTELS quality Index 4T 2014 Global

HOTELS quality Index 4T 2014 – Global The 2014 have been the confirmation of the pathway of hotel competitiveness, according to the quality HOTELS Index, report made by HOTELS quality and Nebrija University. The Hotels Quality Index analysis has completed five years. Observed a trend indicator for twenty quarters after -from 2010 until the end of 2014- of a progressive improvement, until stable in recent quarters. Being able to say, as. . .


HOTELS quality Index 3T 2014 Global

Cuadro general En el tercer trimestre del 2014, el HOTELS quality Index Global se mantiene en los mismos valores que el trimestre anterior. Limpieza La limpieza se afianza como uno de los valores mejor valorados con la misma puntuación que el trimestre anterior. Instalaciones Los elementos tangibles de los hoteles disminuyen ligeramente su puntuación después del incremento experimentado en el trimestre anterior. Atención La atención se mantiene en valores altos. . .


HOTELS quality in Silicon Valley

HOTELS quality has been selected by USMac and ICEX, along with other 5 spanish companies to present their company and products to the Silicon Valley Corporate community in a “Tech Match” private event. HOTELS quality offers technology tools for hotels to communicate efficiently with guests, before, during and after their stay, using contextual marketing techniques. The main project to be presented will be an upselling and cross-selling tool for hotels. . .


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